
Periodontal Treatment

Our treatment combines dental care, education and medication with personalised plans and monitoring for effective management.

What is gum disease treatment?

Gum disease treatment, also known as periodontal therapy, encompasses various procedures and interventions aimed at managing and improving the health of the gums and the supporting structures of the teeth. It is primarily used to address gum disease, which typically progresses through two stages: gingivitis (mild gum inflammation) and periodontitis (more severe gum disease).

Periodontal Treatment TREATMENTS

Why choose us?

Effective Gum Health

Our top priority is ensuring effective management and relief from gum disease, promoting the health and stability of your gums and teeth.

Comprehensive Care

We begin with a thorough evaluation of your oral health, addressing both the symptoms and root causes of gum disease to provide you with the most suitable treatment.

Empowering Your Oral Health

We believe in patient education and offer guidance on oral hygiene practices and preventive care, empowering you to maintain healthy gums and prevent future gum disease issues. Your smile's well-being is our focus!